0 Replies to “One Box, One Body”

  1. OMG what is it? I waaaant.

  2. He does look fetchingly slim and trim in all of the usual depictions. Maybe it was all of that walking. Though the lastest I’ve read – via the psychic Edgar Cayce -is he was really kind of a burly guy and not the least bit metrosexual the way he’s usually portrayed. Maybe that’s a good goal for the spring – get a Jesus body…

  3. seminascosto says: Reply

    I have half a mind to buy a box but don’t know if I’m allowed as an Atheist. I do weigh, however, 42 kilograms which makes me “fat” in Japan so maybe they’ll let me slide this time?

  4. I think it’s ok as long as you’re in Japan, since they don’t really believe in him either.

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