Today’s secret word is gorgeous. Let’s see how it works. American-English: That sweater you got from KMart is pretty cute. Hiberno-English: That jumper you’re after buying from Dunnes is just gorgeous! Got it? Cute/pleasing = gorgeous. That goes for budget clothes, people, objects, and behavior. I can be gorgeous if I feel like it, just […]
American English
Please, Sir. May I Have Some More?

My friend Sean’s grandfather is a hale and hearty 80 years old. He talks politics, walks upright, drives at night, and makes his own jam from the fruits and berries in his garden. He serves that homemade jam with his homemade bread when he sits us down for tea. What an absolutely lovely man. We […]
American English to Irish English Dictionary: Part I

American English: Don’t you go in there! Irish English: You’re not to go in there! * American English: Do you want me to call the realtors? Irish English: Will I ring the lettings agent? * American English: He just graduated from college. Irish English: He’s just after graduating from university. * American English: Have a […]