Nuns vs. Priests

Costumes observed here on Inishmore during Ted Fest 2010:

  • Dozens of dowdy teapot-wielding Mrs. Doyles, gray-haired Father Teds, crusty-faced Father Jacks, and sweater vest-wearing Dougals.
  • Hordes of priests and nuns – the apparent “go to” Ted Fest costume. Honestly, if you came to Inishmore this weekend and didn’t know about Ted Fest, you’d think this was a colony for runaway members of the clergy. 
  • A blue sequin coat-wearing Ted (“Song for Europe”)

  • Several Sister Assumptas
  • A couple sexy Sister Assumptas
  • A moustachioed, golf club-carrying Father Sloane (“Entertaining Father Sloane”)
  • A few unibrowed, “I Shot JR” T-shirt-wearing Toms 
  • Several red-robed Bishop Brennans (“The Passion of St. Tibulus,” “Kicking Bishop Brennan Up the Arse”)
  • A flock of Chirpy, Burpy Cheep Sheep
  • A couple of rabbits (“The Plague”)

  • A Chinese Girl (“Are You Right There, Father Ted?”)
  • A few head-scarfed Mrs. Carberrys (“Are You Right There, Father Ted?” Feckin’ Greeks!)

“Let me have a go at the Greeks!”

  • A rollerblading Dougal and a giant foam “Lovely Fag” (“Cigarettes and Alcohol and Rollerblading”)

“Lovely fags ….”

  • Dozens of Lovely Girls (“Rock-a-Hula Ted”)
  • A milk float (“Speed 3”)
  • Elvis (“Competition Time”)

It’s a small island; strangers to these parts stick out like a sore thumb, especially when we don’t look Irish. Bartenders and nuns want to know why I don’t have a costume. It’s a good question; I dearly love to dress up and never miss a chance. What can I say? It was a spur-of-the-moment trip and my baggage was filled with thick, rain-defeating sweaters. 

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