The Wind Down

The days have become an endless series of goodbyes. Classes are finally over so there are gifts, hugs, and obligatory promises to come and visit. There was a Sayonara Sale for coworkers, a goodbye in Kyoto with the friends from training, and an early hanami with my soon to be ex-bookclub. Even though it was still far too cold, nothing could have been finer than sipping sweet sake from tiny plastic cups and eating delicious samosas made with gyoza skins under the shade of the blooming fruit trees. Finally, after 2 years of searching,  I was able to lay my eyes on real, live Peach Blossoms. They are delicate and ruffled, blooming in several shades of white and pink. My favorite shade of momoye is a juicy fuchsia that I know a certain someone with that name would love.

The internet is canceled. The apartment keys are being handed over. The men from the electric company have come. The bank transfers are attempted and bungled, then completed with great success. The belongings – including my computer – are stored with Bob. The Salvation Army is visited. There are handshakes. It’s all ending and though it’s been planned for months, it seems to have come out of nowhere.

“What’s next?” everyone asks. “What’s the next adventure?”

Well, as for the Next Big Thing, it’s still in development. At the moment, I am more concerned about Lasts. This is the last time I will drink with the boys from training. This is the last time I will have my hand impulsively grasped by a 3 year-old student’s chubby little paw. This is the last book club gathering. This is the last time I will visit my favorite udon shop. This is my last hanami season. And soon, the Last Day itself will come. Not so soon, but soon enough for me to pose the question to you fine Japanophiles – what would you do if you had one day left to live in Japan?

Please discuss. I am very curious to hear what you would do in my shoes.

In the meantime, a bit of adventure is warranted first. Starting tomorrow, Sean and I are taking a long, exotic vacation. Stay tuned for I Eat My Cobra ….

0 Replies to “The Wind Down”

  1. Let’s see… one last trip to an onsen has to be on the list… a walk through Akihabara just to see the electronic gadgets… a walk through Roppongi (the only place in Japan where I felt unsafe)… a meal at my favorite restaurant, then karaoke with friends, and, well, stay awake until it is time to leave.

    BTW, Liv, “I Eat My Cobra” = a trip to India?

  2. I would simply spend time with friends for they will be what you will miss most from Japan. I have enjoyed your stay in my dream place. I have learned a lot and I thank you. I look forward to your Cobra eating.

  3. awww. thanks for thinking of me, my dearest liv! i hope you took lots o’ pictures of those fuschia blossoms! 😉

    can’t wait to hear about the adventures you two are having in se asia!! woot woot.

    it’s been so amazing to keep track of the highs and lows of your extended vacation in nihon. thanks for letting us in on it…


  4. ok. i take back the extended vacation part. i know you worked your booty off.

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