Intense Jealousy

… and as if I needed even more motivation to get cracking on my Japanese study, I have discovered Emily. Emily – a nice, super-intense American gal – is something of a YouTube Celebrity, made famous by her “Pretty Intense Japanese Lesson” clips. Sean and I have been staring at her videos for the past couple of days, fascinated by her skill, fluency and excellent accent. But she’s so young. But she says she’s learned to speak Japanese from just books and J-Pop. But she’s so intense!

Quirky Emily’s “Intense Japanese” lessons mainly consist of her grinning ironically, making peace signs and teaching her viewers a smattering of random vocabulary words. Those are enjoyable enough, but this is the video that made me dash for my Japanese books:


I wilt in jealousy, but I have no one else to blame but my lazy self. My comfort is that I can understand 50% of what she’s saying. As you can see, I’m real a “glass is half full” kinda gal.

0 Replies to “Intense Jealousy”

  1. Carnitas Burrito says: Reply

    This is the funniest thing I ever seen this year!
    She’s so gonna be hired by NHK.

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