
Hello! How are you? Six years old, very good, but how are you? How are you? … good? Great? Not so good? Good? Okay! Would you like a cushion? No, no, would you like to sit down? Sit down. Sit down. Yes, please! Good girl! Homework! Yes, homework. Open your books. Open your books. Open your books. What’s this? What’s this? What’s this? No, not “mushroom” – “bathroom.” “Bathroom.” Ken, NO! Hush. Stop. Stop! Close your books. Please close your books. Close your books. Close your books. Everybody, stand up! Stand up. Stand up. Stand up! Good! Everybody, line up! Line up. Line up. No, line up. Yes, game. Game! Everybody, come here. Come here. KEN, NO! Come here. Come here. Come here. Stop. Stop. Stop. Ken, hush. Hush. Hush. Yuko, hush. Hush. 1 smiley face, okay? Okay, so hush! Ken, no. No. Stop. Stop! No. No, no kancho! Ha ha. Very funny, Yuko. Everybody, line up. Ken, stop. Pants up, okay? Oh, thank you. I really needed to see that. Ryo! Stop! Stop! We’re finished. Finished! Finish! Finish! Look, homework. What’s this? Not chicken; turkey. How many? Good. So write … good. Homework, okay? Okay! Line up, please! Line up. No, line up. KEN! NO! How many baseballs? Look; one … two … three …? Yes, four. Good girl! Goodbye! How many soccer balls? How many … ? Good! Goodbye! Ken, come here. How many trees? Look; one … two … three … how many? One … two … three … four … how many? Sigh. Good bye, Ken.

The Winter holidays start in 2 weeks.

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