watashi wa gaijin desu

Yatta for a free internet cafe just about 10 minutes from my apartment in Sakiio!!! Free is dangerous, though, because for the past 48 sans-intanetto hours i crossed a continent and an enormous ocean while nursing a raging head cold, got settled into my teeny, tiny apato, strolled down the main street in search of the Sakiio ward office in order to get my foreigner card (a no go seeing as I couldn:t find the place), had my “Japan is horribly expensive!!” terrors completely assuaged after looking into dozens of stores – in particular, the 99 Yen store near me and found pretty much anything I could ever want. When I finish here (hopefully finding the address for the Sakiio ward office) I hope to head to any of the cute restaurants I saw and get myself some nice udon soup.

0 Replies to “watashi wa gaijin desu”

  1. liiiiiiiiiiiiv! i’ve heard lots of good things about 99 yen stores! how exciting…and the ramen is probably AMAZING! mmm…done any clothes shopping yet? (wink wink.) keep us updated! miss you too, chica.


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