The First Few of Many ありがとうs for Today, March 10th

I might be officially pushing 30 today, but I’ll  always appreciate adorable artwork like this very sweet, thoughtful and suupa suupa kawaii birthday wallpaper made especially for me by North Central Florida homegirls Kao and Lara. Ladies – what a lovely surprise.  おきにありがとうございます! A 3-way iChat today with my brother and parents this morning (ありがとう), […]

Your 358-Word Mini Japanese Culture Lesson

Unlike English, Japanese isn’t a language that puts emphasis on using pronouns. For example, an English-speaker would find it imperative to denote whose sweater they were using or that they themselves like cheese but a Japanese speaker would simply say: “using sweater” or “like cheese” because the “who” in both cases is, somehow, implied. Nonetheless, […]

Taught by the Tune of the Hick’ry Stick

There are things you learn so well that they become ingrained – even in a culture that isn’t your own. In the two years I’ve lived in Japan, I now know without a doubt that “ちょっと待ってね,” means “wait a little bit, okay?” “大丈夫?” means “You okay?” and “できた!” means “I was able to do it!” […]